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I am writing to you all since you have so much power with the electronic media today.

I am an 8th grader, 13 years old in Jerusalem, Israel. My friends were killed in the summer when they were having pizza in Jerusalem by terrorists of the Arabs. My cousin, Natasha, was killed by Arab terrorists in Tel Aviv when she was waiting in line to dance in a disco during the summer too. My uncle was blown up in the World Trade Center in New York by terrorists where he worked on the 83rd floor of one of the towers. My greatgrandfather, David, was burned in Auschwitz.

I cannot understand why you keep referring in today's newscasts about the murder of our Tourism Minister Zeevi by terrorists as a revenge from the Israeli army's killing of a chief terrorist, Mustafa, during war actions.

Minister Zeevi was an elected politician. He was a head of his party. He would be like a member of the House of Commons or the US Congress in the 'Western' world. He might have had different political views than most of your leftleaning reporters who depend on Arab money gifts from the Palestinians here to give their biased reporting, but he was a member of the government's cabinet.

All day your reporters are talking about Zeevi's assassination in Jerusalem as if he was a terrorist like the ones who killed my friends and cousins and uncle over the past few months. Mr. Zeevi was a former general and military hero. He turned to politics in 1988 when he was first elected to the Knesset, our US type of Congress here.

I wish that when I grow up I could be a reporter for one of your networks. I would not talk or lie like your reporters do today that Mr. Zeevi's assassination as a politician was in response to the terrorists who murder. Mr. Zeevi did not send out his assistants to kill Arab kids in discos and pizza parlors. Mr. Zeevi did not send out terrorist pilots that worked for him to fly into the World Trade Center to kill 6000 civilians.

I hope that you don't throw out this letter even though I'm only in 8th grade. I know that killing terrorists is OK. Isn't that what Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair are doing today over in Afghanistan? They are not killing or bombing civilian politicians with differing views.

So in the future, if your reporters continue to lie and give deceitful news about the murder of a member of my government's cabinet and compare it to the killing of terrorists in Gaza and Ramallah by my country's army during wartime, I will take my whole 8th grade class and picket outside your offices here in Israel.

I know that this does not scare you as much as those Arab terrorists who threatened your reporters' lives last month when your reporters wanted to release the video footage of Arabs in the West Bank demonstrating in joy on Sept. 11 for their king terrorist Bin Laden,but at least we 8th graders can demonstrate about the truth and not the lies of your media.

I have to go back to my class now and turn off BBC,CNN, and SKYTV before I get too toxic with your falsehoods and anti Jewish rhetoric.

M.  Davidson
8th grader, Israel

Sent by Avigdor Bar-Hai,  Israel                       2001. 11.01


Written by:

Gerald I. Wolpe
Rabbi Emeritus                                           Sent  by:                               2001, 10. 17
Har Zion Temple, Penn Valley, PA           Avigdor Bar-Hai,     Israel


Subject: confusion

Dear Sir:
Let's see, I want to make certain that I have this correct; it is very
If Israel pinpoints and executes terrorist leaders who have aided in
planning attacks on innocent civilians, that is bad.
If the United States declares war on terrorist leaders who aided in
planning attacks in New York and Washington, that is good.
If Israel has to compromise some civil rights of Arabs in order to
protect its citizens from murderous assault, that is bad.
If the United States must take cautionary steps that limit immigration
and other freedoms in order to protect its citizens from murderous assault,
that is good.
If Israel will not negotiate with terrorists or their governmental
supporters until all acts of terrorism stop, that is bad.
If the United States will not consider any deals that do not include
the surrender of Bin Laden and his thugs, that is good.
If Israel, with its international isolation, must work with less than
pure regimes, then that is bad.
If the United States works with terrorist sponsors as Iran, Pakistan
and Syria to win its own security, then that is good.
If Israel tries to become part of the coalition against terrorism, it
is bad.  (Could offend some Moslem States).
If the United States counts on Israel, in spite of the rejection, to
provide it with major information about terrorists, then that is good.
If Israel protests the wanton destruction of Jewish artifacts and
shrines in Nablus and the Temple Mount, it is annoying, seemingly petty and,
therefore is quite bad.
If the United States reacts with justifiable anger at the wanton
destruction of symbols of America's achievements and power, it is right, moral and
When Israel's civilian population was attacked by murderous scud
missiles from Iraq, it was warned not to retaliate by the United States, that
would be bad.
When the United States's civilian population was attacked by murderous
missiles, commanded by immoral automatons and vowed massive
retaliation that was very very good.
You must admit; it is confusing.

Yours truly,

Gerald I. Wolpe
Rabbi Emeritus
Har Zion Temple, Penn Valley, PA

Lónyai Sándor      Shamir-Schmideghez:                              10.aug. 2000

A martir listan elofordulo hibakrol. Ennek sok fele forrasa van:

Elsonek a munkalkodo embert emlitem. Osi kozmondas: csak az hibazik, aki dolgozik.

A leveltari dokumentaciokat is emberek keszitik és hasznaljak. A keszito lehet pontatlan, a hasznalo pedig valamilyen korulmenybol nem helyezi vissza az iratot. Egy-egy pelda a mi esetei

nkre. A GyQ?i Izraelita hitkozseg szuletesi anyakonyve szerint dr. Roth Emil Eszter nevu lanya nem szuletet meg, mert neve a szoban forgo dokumentacioban nem szerepel.(Ilyen hibat a városi anyakonyvben nem eszleltem.) A Gyor varosi leveltar Illetosegi torzs????

slapgyujtemenye azert hianyos mert az evtizedek soran az okmany nem mindenki helyezte vissza.

Legfontossabb forrasom egyike egy 1945-ben keszult gyori martir oszeiras, amit feltehetoen a Nemzetkozi Voroskereszt munkatarsai a tulekok segitsegevel keszitettek. De tapasztalatlansaguk miatt nem ellenoriztek, hogy az uj adat, valoban uj-e. /Valoszinuleg nem is gondoltal arra, hogy az elveszettnek jelentett deportalt, nem minden esetben valt valoban martirrá. De e nevsor e fogyatekossaval is lenyegesen ertekesebb mint peldaul a gyori temetoi./ Eme osszeiras nagy elonye, hogy az elo es utonev mellett meg egyeb adatokat (Anya nevet, lanykori nevet, szuletesi evet) is feljegyez. De modszerevel peldaul az ismetlodest nem szurhette ki. En az ugy nevezett cedulazassal minden szemelyrol egy-egy lapot keszitettem. E modszer célja, hogy a lapokat a,b,c szerinti osszerakassal az ismetlodeseket feltetlenul eszrevegye. 100, 150 ismetlodes szurodott ki. De az esetleges teves es nem teves martiromsagot nem lehet e modszerrel sem biztonságosan kiszurni.

A Gyori-Szigeti Izraelita Temet?ben találhato martir nevsorban szerepel Jellinek Emil neve is. Ezt a nevet is az en elso 1995-os ?csak elo es utoneves munkamba atvettem. Csak kesobb a teljes anyakonyvi adatsori feldolgozas soran derult ki, hogy Jellinek Emil akit feltehetoen Meszaros csalad is ismert- nem valhatott a martirra. Jellinek Emil ugyan is a Gyori getto, illetve gyujtotabor gonosz kapoja volt. E vetkeert a felszabadulas utan a brutalis kolaborans teteiert biróság ele is kerult. El is iteltek. S valaki martirra avatta. S aki a valoságot nem ismeri a korabeli ujsagokból, vagy mas forrasbol az a tevedes csabdajaba eshet.

Egy baratom arrol tajekoztatott, hogy XY /a nevre mar nem emlekszem/ a deportalasi vonatban szuletett. Az adatot le lehetett ellenörizni. A valoság: a gyermek letezett, de a deportalas napjaiban már három eves volt. /Tehat az informacio es a valosag kozott nagy a kulonbseg./ A legjobb szandekkal is lehet tevedni. A kozelmultban Joska az egyik martir osztálytarsat Koralek Ervint kereste 1930-as szultesi evvel. De en tudtam, hogy Joska baratom 1920-ban szuletett. Es eme keltezessel tortént a kereses. Sikerrel. (Koralek Ervin a:Flesch Berta- Gyor, 1919. 04.24.) A Koralek esetet nem az 1930 ev miatt emlitem es semmikeppen sem akarom Joska baratomat biralni. Azt tartom ebben az estben emlitesre erdekesnek, hogy en mar eleve 1920-tól plussz-mínusz két esztendot ratettem a keresesre. Ezt tanacsolja a gyakorlat. Ugyan így cselekedtem Bela altal Varga forrassal kozvetitett Ravazd falu Szekeres adataival. 1924-tol 1934-ig Szekeres elonevu gyermek e faluban nem szuletett. Csak ket Stern gyermek. Es azonnal azt kerem, hogy a Szekeres csalad sikeres keresése cejabol a Varga Vera valakitol kerjenk uj, talan valos adatot. Ezt cime megadasaval en is megteszem.

S most visszaterek Koralek Ervinre mert adataimat ellenorizve bizonytalan vagyok. Ha ugyanis Joska osztalytarsa volt, akkor a szuletes 1919. Erre Joska feltetlenul terj vissza.

E szerintem nagyon fontos munkat, csak az olyan segitokkel lehet maximalisan talan 100 szazalekos megkozelitessel is- megoldani mint amilyenek Ti is vagytok.

Barati üdv: Sanyi

Shamir válaszol :                                              14.aug.2000

Kedves Sanyi,

a javitas megerkezett, de nem tudom miert, ez alkalommal is 4 peldanyba.Ez neha zavar, mert mindeg keszulok uj hirt kapni es kiderul, hogy a levelek azonossak, tartalmuk ugyanaz.

A Koralek Ervin esetre vonatkozoan felreertes tortent.

En  tenyleg 20-ban szulettem, K.E. pedig 30-ban, tehat nem lehettunk osztalytarsak.Levelemben hozzad mashogy irtam:

Ismerosom  Avigdor Bar-Hai (volt Lowinger Gyorgy) fordult hozzam es jelentette, hogy  nevet, a pontos adatokkal a martir listan   talalta es kerte ezt kijavitani, azaz nevet onnan kihuzni.Ezt azonnal jelentettem neked es a javitas megis tortent.

Ugyanabban a levelben jelentette Lowinger Gyorgy, hogy a lagerba egyutt volt osztalytarsaval, Koralek Ervinnel, mindketten 30-ba szulettek es tudomasa van, hogy Ervin elpusztult. O hivta fel figyelmemet arra, hogy Koralek Ervin neve, ennek ellenere  nem jelenik meg a martirok nevsoraban. Tehat vilagosan megitam, hogy nem rolam van szo.

A Jelinek csaladra emlekszem, de csak mint nevre. Amit ott irsz az valoban megdobbento es semmi ketsegem nincs, hogy te tudhatod ami ott tortent es amit irsz az sajnos valosag.

Sanyikam, ne vedd rosszneven, ha neha tevedesekre hozzuk fel figyelmedet. Mi sokban ertekeljuk alapos es faraszto munkadat es nem csoda, ha ilyen mennyisegu adat oly hosszu ido utani feldolgozasakor neha tevedesek is tortennek.enki ezt nem is gondolhat  rossz neven venni, mert csak az nem teved aki semmit sem csinal.

A te munkad pedig minden aldast es koszonetet megerdemel.

Meleg barati udvozlettel
